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Ambien Drug Can Improve Memory
Ambien drug can improve memory People who take "Ambien" drug to combat insomnia, can get more than a good night's sleep. They may be a little bit smarter than usual the next day, according to new research.
Research has shown that taking sleeping pills increases the brain's ability to consolidate memories, or transfer of information from short-term to long-term storage. The researchers hope that this discovery will lead to new treatments that will improve the memory of elderly people and people with dementia (dementia), Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.
Previous studies have found bursts of brain activity that occur during a particular phase of sleep, and play an important role in the establishment and strengthening of memories. They are involved in the movement of the information that is in the short-term memory into long-term memory, said study lead author Dr. Sarah Coppersmith. But in the elderly, these bursts occur much less frequently compared with younger adults. This may be one of the factors contributing to forgetfulness and possibly dementia. In a study of 49 healthy people under the age of 40 years were given different doses of zolpidem (Ambien) Ksirema or harmless placebo.
Ambien is known to increase the activity of the night bursts, while the IRGC reduces it. The researchers monitored the sleep of people, drowsiness and mood, and gave the actors go through several memory tests. The study showed that the number of bursts of memory and indeed increased during the night after taking Ambien.
Furthermore, these individuals showed higher scores on the memory tests. But the researchers do not recommend that people take Ambien to improve their memories, because the drug does cause side effects. The study is the first step in drug discovery for the treatment of memory disorders.
For insomnia characterized by two symptoms: difficulty falling asleep and frequent awakening at night. Many patients experiencing both the one and the other. According to you the symptoms described by you have really insomnia.
Today, the disease affects about 30% of the adult population. Some people experience sleep disorders in a short period of time, such as other disorders become chronic. Ambien is a new generation of sleeping pills containing no benzodiazepiny (active ingredient - "zolpidem", very common in the US). The risk of dependence on this type of sleeping pills is much smaller, these drugs are very reliable.
"Ambien" - The uniqueness ishat the drug consists of two layers: one layer contributes to the rapid fall asleep, and the second - exactly restful sleep without frequent awakening from which you suffer. Your therapist rights by writing this medicine, since it is fully consistent with your problem. A further advantage of "Ambien CR" that it can not take the time, but only as needed.
Today we know that, in addition to the general decrease tone, insomnia can cause serious damage to the body and increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases.
At the same time, there is no evidence of harm from taking sleeping pills that do not contain benzodiazepiny even for a long period. Therefore it is better to sleep by taking sleeping pills, what not to take medication and suffer from insomnia.