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Stop Smoking With Zyban
The negative side effects of a smoking/nicotine addiction can definitely come to surface when the choice is made to quit smoking. As we all know, there are many over-the-counter and prescription drugs that are on the market to help aid nicotine addicts in the process of quitting, however, most of them contain nicotine, which is nowhere near a permanent solution to the problem. Zyban is a drug that has an interesting history and is known as one of those available and useful medications that can be extremely effective and helpful when trying to drop the habit for good.
First of all, lets take a look at what Zyban actually is. Zyban is marketed as a quit smoking aid, but it is actually an antidepressant that works as a nicotinic antagonist. Commonly, drugs such as this are used for muscle paralysis in surgery, however, certain compounds are highly effective in curbing drug cravings and the unwanted side effects that come from drug addiction, which makes it a highly effective medication to use as a cure for an addiction to nicotine.
As you will find in many smoking cessation aids, nicotine can be a main ingredient, which in turn does not actually help cure any addiction whatsoever, as it contains the very chemical that is causing the addiction in the first place. Most quit smoking aids work by releasing nicotine into the body slowly by filtering through the skin via a patch, or as a chewing gum. Zyban does not contain any nicotine, thus making it a wise choice for a successful and permanent quit.
Zyban, once called Wellbutrin, was first put on the market as an anti-depression drug. After many patients in search of a better smoking cessation drug were prescribed Wellbutrin and saw its success, it then often was prescribed to smokers as an aid to take the edge off in the heat of nicotine cravings. After many reports of actually helping curb nicotine cravings and essentially helping smokers quit, the drugs was renamed by GlaxoSmithCline and sold on the market as Zyban, the top drug for smoking cessation.
The main question from smokers before taking Zyban is, "How is this going to help me actually quit?" In research studies, those who took Zyban showed little to no nicotine cravings and were able to get on with their daily lives without the interrupting need for a nicotine "fix", whereas those who were given alternate quit smoking aids or placebos suffered greatly. Those who took Zyban over time also showed less signs of common nicotine withdrawal side effects, such as restlessness, anxiety, anger, and general signs of depression or sadness.
Zyban Side Effets
As with all drugs, there are side effects from taking Zyban. Most common side effects are difficulty sleeping on occasion and dry mouth. These side effects were not experienced by all who took Zyban in testing, however, there are no patterns to who will experience side effects and who will not. There is also risk of seizure in taking Zyban, so choosing it as your main smoking cessation aid should be discussed with your doctor beforehand, just to be sure that you are not at risk. Many patients who take Zyban have not been happy with the side effects. Although they admit to its success in helping them to quit smoking, many recommend taking a sleep aid alongside the Zyban, as too many sleepless nights can also lead to stress and depression.
Buying Zyban Online
Zyban is usually only attainable by a prescription from a doctor, however, it can be obtained from online pharmacies as well. When searching for online pharmacies, be sure to remember that Zyban was once called Wellbutrin, so it might be easier found under that name. A generic name for the drug is bupropion. It is recommended that Zyban be prescribed by a doctor, but if you feel that it will help, discussing it with a pharmacist and ordering online is perfectly acceptable and very easy to do so. Many of the websites that offer the purchase of Zyban include plenty of information on the drug, such as ingredients, side effects, and dosage, so ordering online is a very safe and effective way to star the process of quitting smoking!