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The Right Way to Buy Prescription Medication From Canada
Canadian pharmacies have become an alternative for purchasing medication because of the price of prescription drugs skyrocketing. To prove this there is evidence. As per the report prepared for Congressman Henry Waxman of California indicates that even the drug prices offered by Medicare is not less and it is 60 percent higher than the price offered at Canadian pharmacies. Though buying drugs from Canada is lawfully not acceptable, the Food and Drug Administration does not prosecute anyone for doing so. It also gives everyone a privilege to opt for three month supply of medications at Canadian border without fear of prosecution. There are bunch of people they avoid buying drug at Canadian pharmacies irrespective of the fact that they can have substantial savings. Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D, in September 2009 he proposed an amendment which legalize Americans to purchase prescription medication from Canada. However the bill has yet to be confirmed.
Step 1
Get a prescription from your doctor. For this a photocopy for your records is a must.
Step 2
Canadian pharmacies related information can be obtained by visiting the Canadian International Pharmacy Association website. It also gives an idea whether the pharmacy is a member of International Pharmacy Association after which one can Select a pharmacy that is either convenient to where he lives or is located in a Canadian destination he has planned to visit.
Step 3
The address, phone number, license number, and province of the selected pharmacy must be confirmed. At the same time we must avoid any pharmacy that does not clearly share the information mentioned above in details.
Step 4
DIN is an eight digit number assigned by Health Canada, through which information is provided to the patient regarding the safety of purchasing of medication at Canada pharmacy. The drug without DIN must not be purchased at any cost.
Step 5
One must contact the pharmacy and get some other information viz. contact details etc. To visit the online pharmacy one can prepare a proper schedule. One must prefer carrying both the original and the photocopy of the prescription with to Canada.
Step 6
One can visit the website of Canada pharmacy and take part in questionnaire. The desired quantity and dosage for the medication must be checked properly.
Step 7
A copy of receipt must not be easily taken it should be prepared properly at the same time.