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Top 6 Reasons Men Avoid Making Love
Common opinion about men is he always desire to make love. But sometimes men rebuff some electrifying propose. Owing to this women philosophy inform and present a gift of worries that they are the person with the absence of gorgeous and eye-catching look. But the secret for the above said is men avoid making love.
Medicines – particular medication can reduce a man’s sex drive with the basic compounds of antidepressants and antihypertensive drugs. Due to affect of testosterone in the body result with libido.
Lack of sleep - it is an amazing fact that even the decrease level of sleep also one of the causes for the lack of sex drive of a man. The teenage or the people of twenties give more preference than sleep to contact. On the other hand, men with age willing to sleep over intercourse. Due to the proper rest, then it turns to persuasive.
Hormonal levels - specific cases, physiological fall in the level of testosterones which indicates the sign of andropause. This can be diagnosed by the blood test and cured through hormonal therapy.
Identity issues - few cases, personal catastrophe, which leads them to the different activities which are abnormal. This also led them to decrease their sex interest.
Monotony and boredom - due to the frequent intercourse, they get bored and the level automatically decreased. This refers to a monotony and boredom symptoms.
Emotional disagreements - this specified reason related with the oneness of couples. If the couples are mentally conflict mean, they are also not ready for the physical relationship. All of above blistering exhibits decreased sexual activity.