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Reviews: Provigil Generic
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Provigil is a drug that is consumed to promote wakefulness. Being a student I often had to burn midnight oil to prepare for my course. As a result of which I would get so sleepy in the day times that it would often prevent me to attend classes at the school. But I needed to clock in extra time to prepare for my exams well. I consulted a doctor who prescribed me Provigil. I can say without any doubt that I am really happy with the result.
I am 34 years old. I work for a mill which runs 24 hours. It works in shifts, which are rotated periodically for workers and supervisors. I supervise there. Night sift is always troublesome and brings sleepiness. It affected my work and also felt sleepiness during the daytime. Provigil has changed everything and I am very happy with it. I found that it is the most effective medication to get wakefulness. I thank provigil.