Bookmark and Share was founded in the year 2002 by Dr Thom Van Every who specializes in sexual health. He was the one who founded out that his patients found it embarrassing to speak about sexual problems in public. So he set out to find a way in which patients with sexual problems do not have to talk about it face to face. He found out if medications could be provided online the one will not have to talk about sexual problems in front of anyone but still get treatment required. Thus Lloyd pharmacy provides remote medical services to patients who can get solutions for their problems sitting at home.

With the help of customers can get not only medications but they can also get information on various diseases and how to treat them. You can know about your disease from these information extensively but if you are still not satisfied the you can contact the online doctor. The most popular services that are provided by Lloyds pharmacy are erectile dysfunction, male baldness, travel medicine, emergency pill, and asthma inhalers. You can buy the products online and they will be delivered to your doorstep. If you are not satisfied with the product then you can get your money back.

Contact Us

Unit #903A
8322 113th Street Surrey,
BC Canada V3W 8J9
Toll Free: 1.877.717.7612
5:30am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday